Love In Ten Sentences

I am proud to be one of 12 people selected by Rosalyn to go on a mission.  I am to share my thoughts on “Love” with an axiom of ten lines, using four words in each sentence and each sentence to include the word “love”, then give my favourite quote on love.

If any of you haven’t read Rosalyn’s words, I suggest you visit her spaceship as soon as you finish reading this post. Not only are her thoughts and poems a treat to read; she also radiates love and happiness, lifting the reader’s spirits and making them smile.

Strictly speaking, these aren’t sentences, but lines. I’m sure I will be granted poetic licence!


When love was born

love made no sound

a soft loving caress

the infant’s first love

a love that learned

to love family, friends

to love a man;

nurture a love seed

in a loving womb

rotating love’s sweet circle

© Jane Paterson Basil

I can’t choose between my two favourite quotes on love, so here are both of them:

Love -Mahatma Ghandi

Good things are to be passed on. So, I hereby nominate the following  bloggers to spread “love”.

85 thoughts on “Love In Ten Sentences

          1. Yeah, LOL. I can manage quick comments. I just can’t THINK all that clearly with Liam trying to read me a book! Thank god they can’t see my hands! Of course it irritates the heck out of his Lordship, too. Grin. I can be pig-headed when I want my computer time.

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    1. You may look like an afterthought, but you were one of the first people I selected, and I thought you were on my list. It was only when I saw your gravitas a few minutes ago that i realised I’d messed up, and had to hastily add your name


      1. I agree whole heartedly. While I am not a fan of “rules” I took this as more of a challenge with a framework to help focus. I still have several poems to complete but they are going to take time so there is where I will go rogue. I find most of the WordPress prompts to be well thought out. Fascinatingly creative without being restrictive.

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        1. I agree, and I wish i could spend more time working from prompts, but the poetry course has gicven me the confidence to begin a major project, so a lot of my writing will have to be spent away from the blogosphere.

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            1. These poems are going to be about drug addiction. There’s probably a limit to how much of this subject many readers can swallow. It’s pretty gruesome, Yes, I want to feed some of it to the blog, but I need an excuse to write the lighter stuff which keeps me sane, and my site gives me that excuse.

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              1. That is admirable. I can certainly understand your being sensitive to readers so you might start out lighter and see how comfortable you feel. Some of the best writings I have seen on blogs are people who describe their mental illness in great detail. I appreciate their gritty honesty and it has been quite an education for me. I strive to be more empathetic and these stories have been wonderful for that. You never know who you may reach and help with their own struggle as either an addict or a family witness. I had a bit of a trial by fire with a family member struggling with addiction. I had to get educated and fast because in the end the real goal was to keep the child alive. I never felt so helpless -like watching a car crash in slow motion. And it is exhausting to love someone who has self destructive tendencies. So while you have to remain true to your comfort level, don’t hold back just because the subject matter is ugly. Warn people and let them decide. You may be helping someone more than you know. -Hope I didn’t overstep my bounds here.

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                1. No, you certainly haven’t overstepped… I am always ready to hear anything from anybody on this subject. It sounds as if your loved one got it sorted out. I certainly hope so. You had the wisdom to know that you needed to get clued up. My son is a recovering addict, and I’m proud of his achievements. My daughter is likely to be dead soon. Her boyfriend died last November, and we all expected her to go first. If I can spare just one family the grief that drugs have already caused me it will not all be in vain. This is the thought that gives me strength.
                  Thank you for having the courage to share your thoughts with me.

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                  1. Thank you for sharing. You have a lot on your plate and I am so sorry. I have one stepson that is a work in progress but is still very young so the verdict is still out. He is known to deal and he has been held up by both gun and knife. Another stepson is having emotional issues and I worry about him from a suicide perspective. These boys are both over 18 so there is little we can do now other than be supportive without enabling. We love you, not your addiction, bad behavior and bad choices. To be blunt it just sucks to see bright young people so lost.

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                    1. Yes, it’s heartbreaking, but it’s also hard not to get angry sometimes.
                      These issues need to be talked about openly and without shame. We have to wash away the stigma that is attached to having family members who are addicts. The more we openly admit to it, the eaier it becomes for others.When i first started this blog it was with this in mind. Now there just seems to be too much to do.

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  1. And for all the love-felt words of appreciation you’ve entitled me with, I feel so emotive and i don’t know what should i say? Its your kindness in accepting my heart, Relationships are reflections of each other’s actions and the strength lies in understanding its worth. You are like a shining star ❤ the radiations that you see in me, are merely the reflections am getting from your charm and love ❤
    Stay happy
    Sending you blessings and love to embrace you ever and you xoxo
    Rosalyn ❤


  2. The best part of being at the receiving end of all the ‘hard-ship’ is that its sails have resilience and perseverence to power it. That’s what is you Jane! Kudos.

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        1. I’m sorry. When I use a word processor I tend to mis-spell, Then I forget to read it through properly. I’m sixty, and have had too many years of writing longhand. I can’t ‘feel’ the words as I type them out.

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          1. You did much more than OK, but if you hadn’t you’d have got just as much respect from me, for sharing the love no matter how!
            I don’t know why you think that you can’t write poetry!


            1. Oh, thank you so much Jane! Maybe I have a complex because my husband does a lot of public speaking to large groups and I manage to muddle my words, not to mention my right and left, when I teach my small group yoga classes. Somehow though, every one loves the classes, and I’m always so amazed and grateful!
              When I write, I write and rewrite, and rewrite, and read out load, and rewrite… I guess I feel like I’m not the best writer because I need to expend such an effort. I’m not not the most eloquent with words… And I can be a little corney and sometimes abrupt… that might be the New Yorker in me showing, even though I”m not from New York City!
              Thanks again for your encouragement!

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              1. I expect everyone loves the classes because you are a warm, caring person. It helps when you’re teaching something like that. I’d like to go to the classes. If you told me to lift my right leg, when you meant my left, I would cancel out your mistake and do what you intended, because I have the same difficulty. I have a friend who is a driving instructor, and she says that in her experience it’s much more common in women than men.
                I often edit over and over again, and sometimes it makes me feel inadequate to know that some people just scribble it down and are done with it, but maybe you and I are perfectionists.
                Abrupt? What?

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                1. Once again I must say thank you for your kind words. With regard to the right, left thing… People do usually figure it out although sometimes it causes a little confusion. It get’s difficult because sometimes I mirror my students and must say right when I’m using my left, and sometimes I’m not mirroring them and am saying right while using my right. At best it’s humorous. At worst, it’s disruptive to a meditative inward turned awareness!
                  I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who writes and rewrites! As you said, it creates feelings of inadequacy. I am often a perfectionist, but not always thank God! I sense a little of this in you too 🙂
                  … Yes, abrupt, although maybe quick, or impulsive would be a better word. It gets tempered when I write or message because adding the physical action of typing slows down my communication and my brain…. And I can write, edit and rewrite! 🙂

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                  1. I think you should train to lead laughter workshops, and then every time you disrupt the meditative state you could switch over to laughter therapy! Wouldn’t that be fun? Laughter is so healing.
                    I see your eyes widening in horror,and that brings me to my next point. I’m impulsive too, and sometimes I make inapproriate jokes when messaging. I also occasionally launch into tirades about addiction, but I usually manage to edit them out. However, I can never resist clicking on send when I’m joking, and then I wait in trepidation for a response. So far I’ve got away with every silly message bar one, but I really must stop being so childish.

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                    1. No eyes wandering in horor, just a smile! Laughter is usually what I aim for when I’ve muddled my words or my right and left! It’s also a good opportunity to laugh at myself and practice not being a perfectionist.
                      In my six months of blogging I think I have managed to offend no one, and no one has offended me. People have been supportive, interested and interesting. It’s been a very positive experience somewhat similar to traveling.
                      And with regard to your thoughts on drug addiction… Your words are very powerful, crafted in a way that touch the heart and mind, and not just a rant.

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                    2. I like the idea of practicing not being a perfectionist!
                      Thank you for your comment on my drug addiction writings. I want them to serve a purpose. That has always been what they were about, and now my son wants to help me with the project, In 6 days he’ll have been in recovery for a year. I’m so proud of him.

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                    3. That’s so awesome!! You should be very proud of him!

                      Yoga has taught me that we can aproach most anything as a practice. Thinking like this creates space and possibility for change. It also helps me to turn down the self criticism volume because it helps me realize I am somewhere in a process.

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                    4. That makes sense. As for self-criticism,I sometimes criticise myself, because I think that others may be about to, and it’seasier to hold my head up if I do it beforethey get a chance. Bad habit,I know, but isn’t that why many of us verbalise our weaknesses?


                    5. Yes, I think that is one of the reasons. Perhaps another is to ward off criticism from others. Perhaps by making our weaknesses known we are appealing to anothers kindness and in fact asking not to be hurt.

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                    6. Here’s an update! I’ve spoken to my youngest daughter, (the one who is ill) and she wants to climb onboard. Poetry could save her life, and in doing so, could save others. I’m going to post one of her poems tomorrow or the day after, and I really hope that it receives positive feedback, because it would make a huge difference to her.

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