How deep the river

Written a few months ago…


she thought to take a trip
to taste the flavour on her lover’s tongue
as he fell towards his final resting place
to see if she could see what he saw
before the last breath slid from his lips

she thought to take a trip
to visit his unreal reality
thinking there must be a reason
for his hedonistic sprint to the grave
a treat which innured him to the risk
finally made real by the flick of a switch
as his mother kissed his chilling brow

she thought to take a trip
a little sip of the thrill of addiction,
she figured his death made him
more interesting – had given him
the attention she was lacking

she thought to take a trip
even as his mother with quiet dignity
arranged his funeral
even as her own tears welled
and dripped unchecked

she thought to take a trip
thinking his life had been simple in its way,
until misfortune had finished him
and she was thinking only
to take a quick dip into his habit
to feel the shape of it

she thought to take a trip
not thinking how easily the boat sinks
how deep the river
or how hard to
swim back
to the surface

©Jane Paterson Basil

11 thoughts on “How deep the river

    1. Thankyou Anand.
      And to you. Love, light, and any other good stuff that’s kicking around.
      Wait a minute, it’s Monday – ages to go ’til the weekend, unless there’s a five day time difference over there…

      Liked by 1 person

    1. When the first of her boyfriends died she decided to have a taste of what led to his death. She didn’t seem to consider that heroin is not a childs plaything. The rest is history, as they say.


  1. Love the first line of every stanza.
    This has got to be one of the most powerful
    and personal poems I’ve read regarding the
    killer called Heroine. Bravo Jane.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t decide whether to include poems. Originally I had planned to write the whole thing in poems, eaach one covering a single event or emotion, but it was incredibly difficult to put the whole story across in that way.
      I think the poems describe the rawness of of my feelings at the time, in a way my prose doesn’t.

      Liked by 1 person

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