Miss Haversham’s mirror

An_old_mirror 123
Image from Wikipedia
Digitally re-worked by Jane P. Basil

I am the reflection in
Miss Haversham’s cobwebbed mirror.
fly-flecked, dust slicked,
a sepia image:
blurred and indistinct,
a slipping vision of the distant
promises and wishes
of yesteryear

The clock
ticks enexorably
clicking towards tomorrow,
flinging each lost second to the wind,
while in fizzling disbelief I feed
the dim impossibility of half belief;
picturing my seamless beginning,
flicking through childhood memories,
trying to rinse my mind
of life’s iniquities,
and my ills.

I fix my gaze
towards the distant hills,
and I trust there must be a way
to cancel time and negate the pain;
to reverse the scraping needle of time,
and revert to the days
when the world
was mine.

Written for Blogging 101 Poetry Day 2

“Time for prompt #2 — Reflections, courtesy of the formidable @mkucsera. I can’t wait to see what you come up with for this one.”

©Jane Paterson Basil


14 thoughts on “Miss Haversham’s mirror

    1. I would love to, but I have to finish the final edit of my memoirs first, and I’m finding it hard to face. As soon as I get it out f the way I’ll look at the possibilities of self-publishing a hand-made book -I believe it’s hard to get publishers to take on books of poetry.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you.
      Let’s be honest though, if you stick the name ‘Miss Haversham’ right at the beginning of a poem, you create instant atmosphere, and don’t have to work so hard to impress…


  1. So many interesting lines in there, but the one that has struck me most is ‘reverse the scraping needle of time’. Why, I’m not sure, as many images come to mind. The most persistent is clock hand imaged as a needle – time travelling to the past.. Thank you x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. With two heroin addicts in the family the image of a needle comes to mind all too quickly, and I was also thinking of the irritating way the needle on a record player used scratch around a disc when it had finished playing. All you had to do was to lift up the stylus arm, and it would stop.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We all have different experiences that influence how we interpret information. It’s interesting isn’t it, to see how others think of the same things.

        Liked by 1 person

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