Promise (HTML example)

       tremble  as 
     the  branches sway. 
    the spell they weave is
   picked  up  by  the  wind, 
   and wafted through my open 
   window. those strong trees 
   protect  me, cleaning the 
   air,  and vow to shelter 
    my children long after 
      I  am forgotten. I 
        know  they will 
           keep their 

For anyone interested in trying visual poetry such as this, I’d like to illustrate how it is done using HTML. You simply go to HTML in your editor, arrange the writing as you wish, then put <pre> at the beginning, and </pre> at the end, like this:

<pre>leaves blah blah …… blah blah promise </pre>

Don’t go back to the visual editor or you may lose the format – although I just did that and got away with it.

Happy versification 🙂

©Jane Paterson Basil



44 thoughts on “Promise (HTML example)

        1. No – I did the poem and the arrangement in a hurry, because I suddenly felt like sharing the technique. It was only after I posted it that the leaf idea occurred to me, so I had to do an edit…
          As usual when I write about trees, I thought of you, and hoped that I’d get the edit out before you found the post…

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Carol – sometimes it’s hard to figure out how to find certain info, and I know a lot of people think this technique is much more complicated than it is, so I thought I’d do a post about it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I look forward to following your advice sometime soon. I’ve had to resort to PowerPoint to force formatting in the past, and then save it as a photo (jpeg) in Paint. But this process makes the post unreadable in anything other than English…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It’s funny you should say that – I wrote this post as a response to someone who told me only this morning that that was the way they did it. I’m so happy that this info may have been of some use 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

        2. I’ve just read your post How dare the
          Media reframe History, and commented, but I think my comment went to your spam folder – it’s always happening to me for some reason – could you pull it out please. I’d like my support for that great post to be on record…


                  1. Horror indeed. Yes, I try not to remind my son too often that hoovering the floor and tidying his room are nothing compared to what our forbears went through, what children still go through in some parts of the world. Hard to believe these things were ever allowed. How lucky we are to be born in this time and place.

                    Liked by 1 person

  1. Oh wow, this is amazing information! Thanks for sharing! I will definitely utilize this in the future… and I love the poem as well. I love nature, and you capture the magic of it well. Plus the shape just looks so perfect!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awesome!! That seems so easy to do, I’ll give it a whirl next time I want shapey stuff 🙂
    Beautiful poem too – the visual effect adds extra depth to it

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I learnt this technique on a 4 week WP poetry course run by Ben Hubermann. It hasn’t been repeated, and I don’t suppose it ever will, but it was incredibly useful. I think I still have all the assignments, and it would be great to post them, and invite people to do the course, but I have a feeling it’s not allowed 😦

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you – that’s a lovely thing to be told. Are you doing a visual poem? One of the great things about it it that readers are likel to miss imperfections in the verse, because they’re so blown away by the visual impact 🙂 I don’t think my poem would have wroked nearly as well without the leaf shape 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I have just started to write poems, having a little problem understanding the lessons.
    I do write by visual so I think I will continue with poetry as it helps the beginnings, then the other words usually flow on.
    Thanks for the comment it helps, gives me ideas on how to approach writing poetry.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The more you write poetry the more easily it comes – as long as you don’t keep trying to force rhyme by twisting a sentence into an ugly shape or using a word that sounds unnatural.
      If you’re ryming and you get stuck, you can use this:
      A dictionary of synonyms is also handy. Most people resort to such things now and again, whether they admit to it or not.
      Have fun with it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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