
Thank you, Sumyanna, for handing the 3 day, 3 quote challenge to me, for your own beautiful quotes, and for making it more interesting, by adding an extra layer to the challenge: I am, as you requested, writing my own quotes this time.

This is my effort for day 2



when troubles knock at your door
it’s like going to the gym:
though you may ache afterwards
each visit makes you stronger


I’m a veteran of troubles, both large and small. I also regularly attend a gym, and I can attest to the truth of this quote.

I’m sure Sumyanna  forgives me for not nominating anyone to take on this challenge. It may seem like a simple thing, but I don’t feel able.

©Jane Paterson Basil

14 thoughts on “Troubles

  1. Don’t worry about it at all 🙂 Oh, I do love this one. I’m also into exercise – and while never easy, it is both beneficial and necessary. This quote was excellent as well. So glad I asked 🙂

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