
jane 001

This is my About page, where I’m supposed to tell you who, or what, I am.

Who am I? When I was fifteen I thought I knew, but now I’m not so sure. If you read my blog perhaps you’ll find the answer.

I like cheese.

115 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello, I have nominated you for the Liebster award, which is an award to celebrate newer blogs, or those with less than 200 followers. The details of the award can be found on my acceptance post https://helizabeth1952.wordpress.com/2015/02/02/liebster-award/#more-363. There are some rules you are expected to follow if you choose to accept the award. I find that these awards have really increased my blog traffic so if you are interested, please accept and pass it forward

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I don’t think you can know for sure with no widget. But I don’t think it’s a problem if you nominate someone who has more than 200 followers. I think most of mine had the widget but I am sure that a few did not. I am glad you will accept. Like I mentioned it seems to really help my blog traffic..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! It probably goes without saying that it was the most fun to write.
      The Liebster award… this is a little embarrassing. I think yours is the fourth nomination I have received in the past couple of weeks, and I’ve been promising to accept it, and do the work involved, but I haven’t even started, I’m afraid I may not get around to it because I am so snowed under by a project which I consider crucial. I limit myself to about 5 hours sleep a night in order to stay on schedule.
      I have considered posting a widget that says ‘Award free blog’, but it seems so unfriendly, and I would have to include an explanation. So, with regret and more than a little shame, I have to turn it down. But I am humbly grateful to you for noticing and honouring me in this way. Thank you so much.


      1. Oh don’t sweat it. Participation is entirely optional. Award free blog would have served its purpose, I found that cute. Not sure how the others would take it. hehe. There are other blogs who don’t participate in order to keep consistent with the content, too. I hope your project is going well, and you’re getting enough sleep! 🙂

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    1. How thoughtful of you to ask! There have been a combination of reasons, some heartening, and some not so. I have had a hectic time with family matters, and a short story I submitted to a competition has been shortlisted. I have to send them a photo to go with my bio, and i don’t have anything tidy enough. It’s caused a silly chain of events. On top of that the last poem i wrote (I think you guessed this!) took it out of me, but i wanted to write a second, much more detailed, rappy style one on the same subject. I have just finished it, but am not posting it, because it may be too much for the readers. I’m posting a little poem about my mother instead.
      Thank you for your concern.

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  3. Hey Jane!

    I’m inviting you to join in the Five Photos, Five Stories Challenge. It’s just another way to get some needed exposure for our blogs. You are my day five person.

    All you need to do is choose one random image each day and write a story about it. You can write fiction, non-fiction, a poem, a paragraph or merely a line describing your view behind choosing that image for the day. The picture does not have to be one that you’ve taken. Please include a “thanks” and pingback to my site. And the instructions listed at the bottom of the blog post.

    Then nominate one blogger everyday to keep the challenge going.

    I’ll understand if you’ve got too much on your plate, but wanted to invite you anyway. It’s kind of short and fun.

    Impromptu Promptlings…

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    1. I’m in the middle of becoming homeless at the moment. I have been living in a friend’s empty house for the past 6 months, and he’s giving it up next week, so i’ll be staying with my eldest daughter until I start a tempory job a couple of hundred miles away. When I return in May I’ll sort out a proper home and get my life sorted. I’ll try to find the time to do the photo thing though. It sounds fun. Thanks for nominating me!


      1. Lordy! You must be stressing like crazy. What’s the new job you’re going to be getting? Is being so far away from the family going to be really hard for you? Don’t worry about this photo thing. I actually thought it was kind of stressful toward the end. I sure hope all goes well for you with this move. I hate it when my life is in turmoil. I’m getting too bloomin’ old to deal with that kind of stress. ❤

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        1. When you spend half your life dealing with two car-crash children, confronted by their disastrous escapades and always expecting that terrible news, little things like homelessness and don’t register. I’m returning to the job of campsite warden that I did last year at the recommendation of friends and family, because they thought I should get away. I was supposed to be doing the whole season again, but I can’t, because it’s off grid, and it would meanhaving a six month break from writing. This is the campsite http://www.ecocampuk.co.uk/wild-boar-wood-campsite/
          I’ll be in a bell tent in that beautiful wood, setting the camp up and caring for the guests from April 14th until my replacement arrives on May 5th.
          And I will still try to do the photo challenge.

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  4. It looks like a beautiful place. We have a couple friends here (a single and a couple) who do that during the summer, too. That’s not too long of a stint. Do you know what you’re going to do about housing when you get back? Will you continue to live with your daughter?

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    1. I’ll be given social housing because of my situation. Ha! How the mighty are fallen! I used to have a successful business, but I sold my half of it to my ex for a song because I couldn’t work with him any more. It went under about 15 months after that, just after my son had stolen every penny I had made from the sale, so nobody benefitted in the end.
      Social housing is basically for people who are down on their luck or whatever, but don’t feel sorry for me because it’s pretty much the same as the private sector, and sometimes better.
      When I’m rich and famous I’m gonna buy me a piece of woodland, build a straw bale house, run an electric cable to it, start a charity to house and re-enfranchise the homeless and chuck the rest of the money at water aid. I’ll be in clover.

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    1. Thank you Rosalyn! I feel really bad about this – I’ve been nominated for a couple of awards which I didn’t manage to do. If I had, you would have been on my list of nominees. Somehow I don’t find the time to carry out the challenges, so I’ve decided to have an award free site.
      Right now in particular I just can’t take it on. I live a kind of nomadic life, and a lot (I mean a LOT!) of things are going on right now. Things should become more normal after the 5th May.
      Sending love and hugs your way xxx

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      1. Hey Jane, it’s just alright, no worries my friend.. Take your space of comfort, it’s not obligatory on you, just a kind of baton to be passed on. Feel free and i wish even through your nomadic journey, strings will keep us bonded 🙂
        Hope things get normal even before 5th of May 🙂
        Sending you much love and blessings 🙂 ❤ XoXo

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    1. I suppose you could say all is not well. I’m very tired. I’m writing a post about my week. I don’t know whether I should, but I’m doing it anyway. It’s not easy, because I’m shaky.
      I have been managing to keep up with some of your posts, but haven’t had the energy to comment on them. I’m sorry.


      1. Good gawd, woman! Posts are the last thing you should be worrying about. Your family needs your full attention. I know it must have been painful to post what you did, but I admire the courage it took to be so brutally honest. You have a gift that way. I will be watching for updates when you get around to them and praying that things will get sorted out. Don’t forget to take care of YOU, too. You can’t take care of the kids if YOU’RE not doing ok. Love & Hugs, Calen

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    1. Yum… Swiss cheese.
      So you’ll remember that although my prepared posts will be going out Imay not be able to respond toall the comments, because I have to walk a mile uphill to use my laptop? I’m a bit nervous about offending people. xxx


  5. I thought I saw somewhere where it was possible to put up a static blog post right at the first of your blog (so it stays there and it’s the first thing people see). Sort of like a vacation email response. If I’m not imagining that (and God know I can imagine all sorts of things), maybe you could put one up so people would see it to remind them? I’ll bet Clare would know, or the folks at Blogging 101. I’ll see if I can find any info on it, too. But might be worth asking about.

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      1. I’m looking on my page where you type your new blog. In the Publish section there is a place that says Visibility: (and probably like mine yours is marked) Public. If you click the edit button there it gives you the choice to password protect the page, make it private, or stick this post to the front page. I’m thinking you could do a short vacation notice and stick it to the front page so it would be the first thing anyone sees. I’ll check with the folks at Blogging 101 and see if I can verify that.

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        1. Thank you Calen. I havegot back-up posts, but I suppose it’sa bit weird.
          Can’t I just put up a post in the standard way, explaining? Then until I post again, it will stay there.


      2. Yes, that’s right what I thought. Here’s what WP says about it…
        Hi Calen,

        Yes, that’s correct. The ‘yellow’ notices above are sticky posts and this is what WP have to say about it:

        “By default, WordPress.com blogs display posts in reverse chronological order on the home page with the latest post at the top. There isn’t a way to display posts in chronological order, but you can mark some posts as Sticky to make them appear above the other posts. They will stay at the top of your posts until you uncheck that option on the Edit screen for that post.”

        Stick away 🙂


        If you put one of them up you won’t have to worry about people knowing where you are. Hugs.

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        1. Thank you Calen, for doing that for me. I admit i don’t have the energy to check it out. I’ll play with sticky posts tomorrow.
          BTW. When I saw Laura today she was less chaotic and more calm and resolved to get clean than she has been for a long time.

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      3. Well that’s something to be thankful for then, isn’t it. I pray that she will just chill out and get on board with what needs to be done. It’s probably a good thing for her, too, that you’re going to be out of town for a little while.

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        1. It didn’t seem to help her last year, but I’m hoping we’ve moved on since then. The legal high that was doing her so much damage was banned on Wednesday at midnight – the night she was admitted into hospital The timing couldn’t have been better. The downside of outlawing it is that next Tuesday or Wednesday a new one will hit those horrible legal high shops, and it will be even more damaging.
          I would so like not to be in a position where I need to be an expert on this subject!


      1. Ha ha you never give the impression of being a misery at all – life has to be taken seriously at times but there’s always a sense that by writing you’re making something good out of any bad situation. But a few trees are always nice too 🙂

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  6. Good day, Jane! I have nominated your blog for the Premio Dardos Award. I do hope that’s okay with you. For more info, kindly check out my latest post. Best wishes. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello Christine. This is a wonderful surprise, and having checked out your post I feel really flattered. It seems to be more sincere than many of the awards that float around the blog-o-sphere.
      It puts me in an awkward position. I’ve been meaning to display an ‘Award Free Blog’ widget, because I have been nominated for several of them, but haven’t found the time to fulfil the obligations. Also, of the blogs that I feel are deserving of this award, at least two are Award Free. Would you mind if I gave this a bit of thought before making my mind up?
      Congratulations on being nominated.


  7. Jane, I was invited to take part in a 3 quote challenge, which includes inviting other bloggers to join in the challenge. I thought about you, and wondered if you would be interested in taking part. Please let me know, so I can include you in one of my 3 posts.



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    1. Thank you Fimnora, for thinking of me. I’d love to take part in this challenge. I have a terrible memory, and the chances are that I won’t remember the quotes that mean the most to me, but I expect I can come up with 3 decent ones.

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  8. Hi Jane, just thought to let you know I have nominated you for a Dragon’s Loyalty Award. No pressure either way. You will find a blurb about it on my latest post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I understand and it’s not a problem. I found it very time consuming too. But then, that’s my fault for making it even more so. I just thought if I do this I want to let my nominees know why I chose them. I will have to re-think if it ever happens again 🙂

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  9. Hi Jane, you seem to have been MIA. Thought you might have dropped off my list for some reason so went and checked. You’re still there. Everything OK ?

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    1. I meant to take a couple of days off writing, but it’s stretched out to a week. For me, writing is a means of holding myself together as well as a natural compulsion, but right now I feel as if I may never be able to write again. I just sit around like a zombie, putting together jigsaw puzzles and drinking coffee. There are phrases flying around in my head, but I can’t bring myself to put them together. I need to pick myself up, but I don’t have the motivation.

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        1. This guy is amazing! I’ve heard of him but never checked him out. He’s different to any other inspirational teacher I’ve ever come across. Thank you for this. I think I may make an artwork to go across the wall, with the words Just Move Forward on it. I picked up three canvases the other day, and I wondered what I was going to do with them.
          I managed to write a couple of poems this morning. I think I’ll post them, and move forward.
          I feel as if you have saved my life by giving me the link.

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          1. He is indeed 🙂 I have subscribed to his feed. Sometimes the energy in his videos is so strong I fall asleep, lol. Doesn’t matter. It still works at an energetic level. One of my friends never manages to listen to a whole video without nodding off. I often take notes while I listen. Soooo glad it resonated with you and gave you a lift 🙂 Would love to see pictures of the finished art work!

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              1. I have discovered that I can email myself photos from my phone! I then save them to My Pictures from where there are accessible to WP Media. If that’s of any help 🙂

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    1. Thank you for offering me this lovely award – I feel truly honoured – it’s one of the nicest I’ve seen. I hope you don’t think me rude when I say that this is an award-free site, but, in any case, I am having technical difficulties which make all kinds of things impossible to do at the moment – for example, there are very few sites I am able to comment on or send pingbacks to. It’s driving me crazy.


    1. I’ve just found the message above in my spam folder, so I reinstated it. Thankyou – I’m honoured to receive this nomination. Unfortunately, I’ve accepted similar nominations in the past, and then not found the time to do the required work, and I now feel it best for me to turn down all award nominations. I hope you’re not offended – I think this is preferable to making promises and then not fulfilling them.
      I really must get around to displaying an award-free blog badge.

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  10. Hello,

    I have nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award. I’m not sure if you choose to participate in the awards part of blogger life, but you do make me smile and definitely spread sunshine with your posts.
    Thanks for welcoming me to the world of blogging,

    Have a great day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! It’s such a compliment to be nominated for that award, even though, lately there has been more rain than sunshine of my blog. I feel terrible about this – I don’t accept nominations, since I realised long ago that I’m too chaotic to fulfil the requirements. I should have put an ‘Award Free’ widget on my blog two years ago, but I haven;t got around to it – do you see what I mean about being chaotic?

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